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Arslan Ahmed's profile

Arslan Ahmed

Graphic Designer and Animator

Manchester, United Kingdom

Hire Arslan

Logo + Brochure + 10 Social Media Posts Design.
Logo + Brochure + 10 Social Media Posts Design.
Logo + Brochure + 10 Social Media Posts Design.

From US$700

Hi there, I will be happing to collaborate with your for your products or business growth. This Service will include following phases: Phase 1: I will be designing a 3 Concepts for you Logo. When one of them is approved, the logo concept will be finalized. Phase 2: A brochure will be designed, keeping in mind the logo color scheme and content will be given by the client. Phase 3: 10 Social Media Posts will be designed. All this process will take on average of 3 - 4 weeks.

Within 1 month

3 concepts, 3 revisions