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sagar singh

Interior designer


New Delhi, India

Hire sagar

Landscape Design

From US$200

Landscape rendering holds immense importance in the realm of design, offering a visual gateway into the envisioned outdoor spaces. Beyond a mere aesthetic luxury, these renderings are pivotal tools for effective communication among stakeholders. They empower designers to convey their concepts vividly, fostering a shared understanding among clients, contractors, and collaborators. The power of visualization facilitates early issue detection, enabling designers to preemptively address challenges and refine their plans before breaking ground. Furthermore, these rendered representations serve as compelling marketing assets, showcasing a designer's creativity and skill. Ultimately, landscape rendering is not just about creating beautiful images; it is a cornerstone of efficient communication, problem-solving, and client satisfaction in the intricate process of transforming concepts into tangible, awe-inspiring outdoor environments.

Within 1-2 weeks

3 concepts, 2 revisions

Brand Experience Design
Brand Experience Design
Brand Experience Design

From US$100

This service not only crafts a consistent brand identity across various platforms but also extends this unified visual language into the physical spaces of a business. It encompasses interior and architectural design, ensuring that the brand's story and aesthetic are seamlessly woven into the design of spaces like offices, retail stores, or any environment associated with the brand. Moreover, it goes beyond mere designs on paper by providing detailed 3D and 2D renderings of these spaces. This means you get a comprehensive visual representation of how the brand's identity translates into the actual physical environment. These renderings help in the visualization and execution of the design concept, offering a tangible preview of how the brand's aesthetic and story will manifest within the architecture and interior spaces.

Within 1-2 weeks

6 concepts, 2 revisions

Kiosk Design
Kiosk Design

From US$100

When it comes to creating an exceptional kiosk experience, the role of an interior designer is indispensable. Here's how our expertise can make a significant impact: Optimized Space Utilization: Our design approach ensures every inch of your kiosk is utilized smartly. We'll craft a layout that maximizes functionality without sacrificing aesthetics, creating a space that feels open and inviting. Brand Representation: Your brand identity is crucial. We'll infuse the design with elements that resonate with your brand, using colors, logos, and specific design features to ensure that your kiosk is instantly recognizable and memorable to customers. Material Expertise: Selecting the right materials is pivotal. We'll recommend durable yet visually appealing materials for countertops, walls, and flooring, ensuring they withstand the demands of high traffic while elevating the overall aesthetic. Strategic Lighting: Lighting sets the mood and highlights key areas. Our expertise in lighting design will accentuate your products or services, creating an ambiance that draws customers in while ensuring energy efficiency. Enhanced Customer Experience: We'll prioritize the customer journey, crafting a layout that is intuitive and easy to navigate. This means your customers will have a seamless and enjoyable experience interacting with your kiosk. Regulatory Compliance: We understand the importance of meeting safety and accessibility standards. Our designs adhere to all relevant building codes and regulations, giving you peace of mind. Personalized Touches: Want your kiosk to stand out? We'll add unique, customized elements that set your kiosk apart from the competition, making a lasting impression on your customers. Seamless Technology Integration: If technology is part of your kiosk strategy, we'll seamlessly integrate it into the design, ensuring that it enhances the user experience without compromising aesthetics. Ultimately, our role is to bring together aesthetics, functionality, and your brand story to create a kiosk that not only attracts attention but also becomes a powerful tool in engaging your customers and driving your business forward.

Within 1-2 weeks

4 concepts, 2 revisions

3D isometric view of a 2D layout

From US$100

A 3D isometric view of a 2D layout provides a multidimensional perspective, transforming a flat design into a three-dimensional representation. Imagine looking at a 2D floor plan—the walls, furniture placements, and spatial layout are all visible but lack depth and perspective. Now, visualize this same layout in a 3D isometric view. Suddenly, the space comes alive! In this isometric view, each line, angle, and object is portrayed in three dimensions. Walls extend upward, creating a sense of height and volume. Furniture appears as tangible entities, not just symbols on paper, showcasing their placement and relationship within the space. The isometric view allows you to explore the design from various angles, rotating it virtually to grasp a comprehensive understanding of how the elements interact within the given space. It offers a realistic representation that bridges the gap between imagination and reality, enabling a better visualization of the final layout. This transformation from a 2D layout to a 3D isometric view enriches the design presentation, aiding in understanding spatial relationships, proportions, and overall aesthetics. It's like stepping into a miniature world where every detail, from the placement of a chair to the flow between rooms, is vividly brought to life.

Within 1-2 weeks

2 concepts, 2 revisions

3D modeling
3D modeling

From US$100

3D rendering is a transformative tool across design disciplines. In interior design, it crafts digital models showcasing furniture, lighting, and textures, offering clients a realistic preview before implementation. For architecture, it illustrates buildings, materials, and landscapes, aiding in presenting design concepts comprehensively. In landscape design, 3D rendering visualizes outdoor spaces with vegetation and structures, enabling clients to envision the final environment, considering elements like seasonal changes and overall ambiance. These renderings serve as crucial communication tools, bridging the gap between concepts and tangible representations, facilitating better decision-making and design refinement.

Within 1-2 weeks

3 concepts, 6 revisions