Branding, Identity Design, Content Strategy, Information Architecture, User Experience, Web Design, Event Design
Client: Pinchhit LLC

Afingo was started in 2009 by a fashion consultant, as an online social network for the fashion community. After two prior product launches, the team at Afingo hired us for an overhaul of their web product. Conversations which initially started as an exploration of a design refresh, grew into a branding, product definition, content strategy, user experience and interface design project.

We helped focus the team on creating a product that assists indy and aspiring fashion designs "Get it Made" through expert content and connections to vetted contractors.

The first presentation of the new site, which focuses on expert content, launched in mid-April with technology development executed by Your Majesty. Contractor Match and designer dashboard is being rolled out in June.

Midway through our work on the Afingo web product, we were also brought on to create an identity for the newly relaunched Afingo Fashion Forum event series, including event collateral, screen media and sponsorship consulting for their first AFF event at the Fashion Institute of Technology.

For more information, visit us at JaegerSloan


Branding, Identity Design, Content Strategy, Information Architecture, User Experience, Web Design, Event Design
