SCARPA — Ribelle Tech 2.0

3D Motion
SubDivision Studio
SCARPA — Ribelle Tech 2.0

We Worked Closely with Landor Associates and SCARPA to Design and Direct the Launch Campaign for the New Ribelle Tech 2.0, High-End Apline Boots.
Ribelle opened a new hybrid segment of shoes which was missing in the market.
A boot developed starting from an alpine shoe and a mountain boot with an innovative curved last shape which allows a fast walking “Alpine Style”.

Developed with: 
SideFx Houdini / Foundry Modo /  Substance Painter / Redshift Render

Pre-Production Concept and Sketches
Rebel Against the Mountain.​​​​​​​

Modeling and Lookdev
The RibelleTech 2.0

These Boots are made for walking, but also for hiking,
mountaineering and climbing and everything in between.
Product of the Year of ISPO Award
in the Outdoor segment.
Lightness, Amazing fit, Durability, and Sophisticated Technical Construction.


Production Process

Project Credits:

Client: SCARPA
Project Lead: Simone Rebeschini
Creative Direction and Design: SubDivision Studio
Creative Direction and Design: Vittorio Gagliardi
​​​​​​​Modeling & Texturing: Giovanni Mauro
Simulation RnD : Paolo Rava
LookDev / Lighting / Shading: Beniamino Petroselli
"Lace System" sim and animation : William Lorenzetti
Typography Animation: Andrea Bax
Art Direction: Andrea Maddaloni
Project Manager: Adriana Testaverde​​​​​​​
Sound Design: je-an

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SCARPA — Ribelle Tech 2.0