Sqwhere: Branding and identity design for a smart city solution.
As our worlds grow larger and more digitized, it’s easy to feel lost. Sqwhere aims to make a big city feel like home, no matter who you are. Sqwhere is the town centre, the buzzing hive of activity, the heartbeat of the city: uploaded to your fingertips.

The Sqwhere app brings together all of a city’s information on public transport, maps, noticeboards and local businesses into one useable interface, while the Sqwhere digital kiosks planted throughout the city offer tourist information, a live feed of community updates, free wifi and charging stations.​​​​​​​
As part of this project I created a printed brand guidelines publication, as well as an interface design and mockups of the brand application and marketing. I created all elements of the brand including concept, naming, and copy.
Smart City Concept, Visual Identity & Graphic Design

SQWHERE: Smart City

SQWHERE: Smart City

Branding and identity design for a smart city solution.
