
AD1705  uses the analogy of ants to reflect and represent our attitudes and the fruits of our hard work after enduring three years in The One Academy. The concept is we are small but we can do great things, hence, we call ourselves "The 18 Giants". We present our skills through the sophistication of paper crafting on the 3-D posters. Each posters is inspired by the intelligent and amazing creation of ants that bite on papers to form unpredictable and organic structures that we see it as an art form. We crafted 3 nature elements which is, 
the Mount Everest, tree roots, and whirlpool; Each representing our different capabilities, which is our determination, strength, and powerful impact respectively as designers. 
3-D Posters
Mount Everest

Small but Determined. 
"Three difficult years have raised us from ants into giants."

Tree Roots
Small but Strong. 
"Three tough years have cultivated us from ants into giants."
Small but Powerful. 
"Three hard years have transformed us from ants into giants."
Portfolio Showcase Book
Exhibition Launching Videos
President: Shohida
Vice President: Ng Wan Rou
Treasurer: Yap Cheng Wei

Art Director: Tan Pei Wen
Copywriter: Ling Suet Qi
Photographer: Woon Jia Yee
Designers: Mah Yue Nam, Ng Pei Yee, Tan Connie, Chia Jing Tong

Production Division 
Leader: Lieow Yong Qi
Members: Katie Lu, Leong Jing Er, Lee Cin Cing

PR and Marketing Division
Leader: Nikki Wong
Members: Jack Tan, Lee Hajin, Wong Pui Yue

Kancil Awards 2023