"Compose your own song with beats collected from flowers"
FLOMERS is a concept i have that will be carried out in Singapore Botanic Gardens. Every time i visit Botanic Gardens, i realise that many people tend to hang out closer to the entrance and not exploring the different sections. Most of the time, people are in group which means; most of the visitors only comes here for gatherings. 

For my concept, i chose my foundation to be music as i researched that music can be categorised in to 6 categories: friendship, joy, comfort, knowledge, ritual and love. It also brings people together and sets the at atmosphere/mood.

How FLOMERS work?
Users will have to walk around Botanic Gardens to find the FLOMERS banner (only 77 flowers). The banner contains the flower name, about it and a QR code. Using the FLOMERS app, they will have to scan the QR code and in return they will get a beat. Beats are determine by the looks and colours of the flower. With beats collected by user, they can compose their own song using our in app music maker (freestyle and placement). Once they compose their song, they can publish it, share it and listen to others creation.
FLOMERS microsite
Instagram story
Flowers signage
Lampost Banners
Sandwich signboards
Bus stop


Studio project 3. An open school assignment brief with the location Botanic Garden. i chose to do a beat making app which gets people to explore Read More
