Vanda Ivanovic's profile

Facebook page launch

We wanted to breathe new life into our social media presence and overhauled our Facebook page. To ensure the best possible engagement, we launched the new FB page with fanfare, including printed and digital colallateral.

The brief was to keep it short, clean and recognisable, both as a Facebook event and the University of Auckland brand. To achieve this, we combined short messages and the Facebook logo with our brand colours and framework.
For print, we decided on a friendly and large message and a minimalist design that would successfully scale across various A-size pages.
We customised the messages while keeping the same design. This flyer and poster were displayed around coffee shops around the University campuses.
To draw on our in-house expertise, our University print shop took care of all the printed collateral.
To target postgraduate students and researchers, we combined a targeted massage with the images from our research and art collections. A bookmark is always handy - added value right there!
And we used the same brevity on our self-issue machines, thus making sure the message was relayed within our physical as well as digital space.
Facebook page launch


Facebook page launch
