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Supercombo / T-shirt Designs

Ano passado como presente de aniversário, fui no Oxigênio Festival, mais especificamente para ver o show do Supercombo. Eu já estava absurdamente apaixonada pelo novo álbum deles "Adeus, Aurora" e depois desse show não consegui não fazer nada sobre esse álbum. As músicas eram incríveis mas o show me fez sair correndo e ir desenhar

Last year as a birthday gift, I went to Oxigênio Festival, more specifically, to watch Supercombo play their new album "Adeus, Aurora". I was already hooked on it but after the show, I just couldn't stay still, I HAD to do something about it. The lyrics were amazing but the show simply made me leave the place straight to my notebook to sketch a new project
Escrevi a minha parte favorita das letras de todas as músicas e fiz três thumbnails para cada uma

I wrote down my favorite part of the lyric of each song and sketched three thumbnails for it 

I used the three main colors of the album as a rule for the designs 
I could try a new style and still be able to apply my lettering skills. Loved to work on it. 
I also pushed myself further by animating it in after effects.
And later I applied the designs to T-shirts to see it as possibles merchandising :)
Você pode acessar a loja deles e comprar as camisetas clicando aqui
Supercombo / T-shirt Designs

Supercombo / T-shirt Designs
