Nastya Danilova's profile

Almira Inktober 2019

This Inktober 2019 I tried to draw scenes from my personal project with working title 'Almira'. For years I dreamed that I would draw a story about crazy adventures of a musician who became an ace pilot but couldn't give up rebel. He is not alone in his journey. His two best friends are a scientist, who can feel/see others emotions. He thinks he has no his own feelings, but falls in love. The second one is a killer girl who just wants to be free of her call of duty. But to fulfill her dream she becomes a tyran - the empress of garbage as she calls herself. In my mind the story was full of music, good lyrics, clever thoughts and adventures. At first it was a love story, but I decided to add some global ideas. It's a pity, I'm not so smart to manage all this. 
The story takes place in the far future, where a man has problems with childbirth, but live long if one has credits. Colonisation of near space is going well, but mostly because of the artificial asteroids. Clones, cyborgs, flying cars, AI - all that stuff. Humanity is desoriented. The fight between unique, personal and social goes to the new level. Because of the race for uniqueness people loose there attention to the simple beauty of the world.
'Let us make pauses in words' wrote one soviet singer. 
So, I draw the story as Inktober project, basing on the official list of themes for 2019 year. They are named in the corner of each picture, but I put pictures in the order of my story now. I think I'll write some preword to each frame. 
Have a nice viewding! And sorry for mistakes.
It all begins at the auction, when Alex buys a scrawny girl. 
Visiting the auction is Sull-he's idea. He tries to сheer his friend up. Alex is a famous singer, but he is in a depression because of his creative crisis. In the middle of the auction Sull-he goes to a secret meeting to his boss Eischtelgin. Sull-he officially works for the company as a designer, but his main goal is to scan real thoughts of the board of directos for his CEO.  A big deal in the company is nearly foiled because of the disappearence of a precious cargo. 
When Alex comes home with the girl the house AI tries to kill her. Sull-he gets suspicious and wants to find whats wrong with the girl, because the system is configured to show artificial objects. Alex argues with him and runs away. Sull-he doesn't belive that AI can be mistaken. But it seems that something went wrong with it, because the girl is just a girl, perhaps quite pritty and exactly very annoying.
Alex has a concert the next day, but he doesn't come. Valentina, his producer is angry, because one more contract is broken. 
Everybody searches for a moody star. And only Almira - thats the girl name finds him and makes to play.
Sull-he and Almira has an agreement. She affects positivly on Alex and Sullhe is to find who is she as the girl remembers very little. They seem to hate each other and live nearby only because of Alex. Sull-he tricks the girl every time. She also trys but it's a hard task.
Hareck is Sull-he's father. Beter to say he is the first iteam. Sull-he is a clone child. Such practise of childbirth is forbidden by the law, but mad scientists have no laws over  them. Sull-he is also  much more sensitive then all other people. He can read persons emotions and even thoughts, scanning and analizing the work of individuals synapses.  For the last task he needs a skin contact with a person. The knowledge about Sull-he's ability and his  origin is the main Eischtelgin's leverage.
As one can see Sull-he has a big teath on his father, but usually helps him- blood is blood. This time Hareck wants to leave Earth and go to so called Free Colonies on the artificial asteroids, where he hopes to have less attention from the high society to his new researches. So, he asks Sull-he to help due to his connections with rulling elite.
Meanwhile Alex is having fun with Almira, drinks, put fights, makes flashmobs and so on.
Actually rare people see that it's just a mask or even a suicide attempt.
After one of such adventures Almira runs out into the street after Alex. She gets a sudden flashback.
She remembers that she was fighting and ran from a spaceship.
This is Scully,  the best bass guitar of that time. She is playing in Alex's band, doesn't like him, but adores Sull-he. Always tries to cheer him up, and help become happy, too. Her feelings are unanswwered.
This tattooed man is a chief of garbage maphia clan. He was  a comando long ago, is a half part cyborg. From all his woonds he's got a little mad. But many people are afraid of him. Alex always teases him, Sull-he tries to сut all conflicts, Almira replaces him at the end. But it's the other story.
Once Alex has an insight and begins to write again.
Valentina makes an intensive activity and the group once again climb on top.
Still Alex feels that he needs changes.
There are 2 more participants of the group Biggus and Ratsearcher. The last one hates Sull-he, is inloved in Alex, is jealous at Almira. So, he wants revange. Every big crashes begins from someones deep destructive feelings. He begins to spy after those three and watch how to hit them worse.
And those three don't know which feelings to follow. Sull-he wants Alex to come back, Alex searches how to switch him and Almira together. Almira and Sull-he irritates each other, but actually she falls for him.
Sull-he lets Alex go, and gets a bad recurcion. He always plays a role of a calm machine. But his roles as a parent or grown up (some reference for the game theory) can't change each other forever.
Actually the party is going to an end. Sull-he helps Almira, and she finds what she is and why she ran away. She is Eischtelgins lost cargo. The first prototype of the human ant - as Eischtelgin sees the best future for humanity as a big anthill. (I needed to add some global idea, i tried this as a wrong one for a bad guy. I think that some kind of spiritual electric existance of a man is much more progressive) So, Almira leaves for good. The house is attacked that night. Alex is wounded. Sull-he thinks on her, but then it turns out that his AI betrayed him and changed the master (who is stronger according to his calculations). So the attack technically is done by maphia, guided by Eischtalgin as he thinks that Sull-he is going out of his control.
Almira comes and helps to hide, also finds Hareck, who manages to clean up the mess. Eischtalgin finds Almira, Sull-he and Alex are free from all prosecutions. The clan that attacked the house is destroyed.
Almira disappears somewhere on the Asteroids. 
Alex comes to life as another man. He is going to become a pilot, to serve the army as his ancestors did. Friends paths have separated.
Five years later Alex - the best space ace gets a task by Eischtelgin (a VP of the federation) to bring Sull-he, who is a guru on his savage land reservation to the capital of the country.
Two men have a mission to go to Garbage Baron and to conclude a peace trity. Sull-he is also must find an unknown poet, who destabilize the army with his books. No need to say that the garbage baron turns to be Almira hiding under the men's appearance. New old feelings, Alex is that poet. Eischtelgin is defeated and friends disperse in different directions again. 
Through all their history characters changes there life roles. Sull-he at first is a player. He likes bets. And usually wins. Their acquaintance with Alex begins 5 years before the events of the first part. Then he becomes a man in a shell. But at the end finds his balance.
That time he invites Alex to stay at his flat for the night. Alex is a street musician, who comes to win the charts and study in the best academy. Sull-he helps him to begin. As he knows the best musicians, he shows Alex to them. That's how the band begins.
But it turns out that Alex is not as simple as he seems at the first sight. He is a heir of a big famouse army family. His mother comes to Sull-he and buys his guardianship for the Hareck's funding. Sull-he agrees, and tells everything to Alex. But it suits them both.
When Eischtelgin is destroyed Almira becomes a govenour of the country. But social problems are on to hot. Alex dies in a strange accident. Sull-he dissapears. The country is in chaos. Almira is killed by the fanatic follower of the *R. He cries,'For Alex!' And she tells him to fire. 
Anyway everybody dies.
Almira sees no future in her way to the top, because it doesn't bring her no cinfidence, no love, no freedom. From her tower she doesn't see other way then to destroy herself. But she can't make it without pathetic and show. 
Almira Inktober 2019

Almira Inktober 2019

Almira webcomics by Neresta on Inktober 2019
