Character Type's profile

characters#01 — Specimen&Magazine for NewsSans typeface

characters#01 is a blend of type magazine and a typeface specimen. We call it a »specimag«. Over the last decade we’ve collected piles of typeface specimens and what feels like a ton of type magazines. This rich archive has inspired us to marry the two into one creative space and share some recent type-related thoughts and insights, while introducing our newest typeface: NewsSans. On 28 pages characters#01 features an interview about Peter Karow the inventor of digital type as well as an essay about character in typefaces. We also share a rare discovery of Polish paper-cut-outs and show how this beautiful craft is tightly related to type design. Finally characters#01 is a specimen for Character Type’s newest typeface family NewsSans

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characters#01 — Specimen&Magazine for NewsSans typeface

characters#01 — Specimen&Magazine for NewsSans typeface
