Mich Mash Arts's profile

Priestess of Spring

Priestess of Spring
This piece was originally drawn on 3 separate pieces of paper, then scanned and colored in Photoshop.
Black Comic Returns showcase
Some years later, I included this in an entry that was made in the book Black Comix Returns. This book was originally created to showcase the comic work of black artists. The actual entry is below.
Priestess of Spring VR/AR study
Using Google Tilt Brush on my Oculus Quest, I created a 3D VR model of the main character on her noble steed.  I then used another app, ARize, to create the AR functionality. Now when you scan the image with your phone or iPad using the ARize app, the 3D model appears!
                                                            Use the controls above to interact with the Google Poly model
Additional AR explorations
It's also been fun playing around with this model outside! This functionality beyond using trigger images can also be set up using the ARize app.
Priestess of Spring