HPE InfoSight Concept Design
HPE InfoSight is an AI and Machine Learning based enterprise data center solution which provides top to bottom data center management and AI based recommendations for Business needs.
Complete Customizable Master Dashboard
A master dashbaord where NOC operator can see whats happening without moving to any other page. A master dashboard which contains stats from all other dashboards. User can easily change the tiles by clicking on the arrows. User can also add new dashboards.
Team Collaboration
Team members can easily share specific dashboards with each other and discuss about the diagnose critical issues. This also helps with global teams where team members put up gloablly can collaborate and monitor data centers remotely.
Dashboard Comparison
Think of a case where user needs to compare two different dashboards, but he already has 10 different dashboards opened in different tabs. With this feature user can directly select two dashboards and compare side by side.
Think about a situation where your team member is not available in office but you need him right away because you have got a very critical situation. Mobile app allows users to have remote access and collaborate with team members even if they are not in office.
HPE InfoSight

HPE InfoSight

Infrastructure monitoring tool
