Here's my step-by-step presentation of art " Fighting game ". 
Step 1 : sketches, search of good-looking angle. I was enspired of eastern martial art poses in famous "Matrix" movie and monks picture in cyper-punk style. 
Step 2 : Cyperpunk-monk character
Step 3 : She-killer character
Step 4 : seeking a right angle for Her flying pose. 
Inspired by Trinity( Matrix)
Step 5 : models in room with perspective. Again sketches in choosen foreshortening.
Step 6 : walls fitting with color. I tryed to make more action and eventually chose the most exstreme angle in my opinion.
Step 7 : walls creation. In order to make volume effect I made outer and inner parts and put them in perspective. 
Step 8 : heroes in scene. Line, colorizing and embient occlusion
Step 9 : finally heroes are in their fighting room
Step 10 : shadows and outdoor light definitly has changed previous picture brightness. Location becomes more dark and I start to fill more dangerous situation in it... It looks like He will loose this game...
Fighting game

Fighting game

Here's my step-by-step presentation of art " Fighting game ", which I've created as diploma work at ArtCraft CG school. 
