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FREE | Asteriska-SVG Font

Asteriska SVG Font is the newest font from us that is SVG type. This Asteriska font has the advantage of a random texture but is still pleasing to the eye and this applies to all letters. This font looks strong, realistic, and different from other fonts. This font is very suitable for various media and different design styles

The font has two versions namely Regular and SVG which include Uppercase, Lowercase, Numbers, Punctuation, Ligatures, Alternates, Swashes

Multilingual Support: ÀÁÂÃÅÄÆÇĆČÐÈÉÊËĚÌÍÎÏÑŃŇÒÓÔÕÖŒØÙÚÛÜŮÝŸ àáâãåäæçćčèéêëěìíîïñńňòóôõöœøùúûüůýÿß

Note: SVG version requires Adobe Photoshop cc 2017 or illustrator cc 2018

*Demo Version for Personal Use Only

FREE | Asteriska-SVG Font