Care/of Design Challenge
Theme: Coming back to work and responsibility can be stressful after the holiday season. One way to let the stress roll off your back is to practice small moments of mindfulness. While Care/of has previously partnered with Headspace, this box is centered around how to incorporate ways to pause your day and check-in with yourself. 

Box Design: The box design features an array of pause buttons meant to symbolize the multitude of small moments that you can take for yourself every day. The pause buttons are a lighter, tertiary brand color to produce a sense of calm. Similarly to other Care/of boxes, the pause buttons vary in size and color to produce a sense of rhythm.​​​​​​​

Instagram: To celebrate the box on Instagram, I created an animation that allows viewers to participate in a moment of mindful breath: four seconds inhaling, four seconds exhaling. The words serve as directions to the viewer while the motion of the words themselves mimic the natural movement of breath. I also created a still shot of the box using the photography assets for promotional purposes.​​​​​​​
Instagram posts in context of Care/of's other content
Email Design: As a way to talk about the theme, I created an email series entitled “Mind over Matter” that would ideally explore topics involving mindfulness and practices that can reduce stress. This email is about small things everyone can do to be more in touch with their body and mind. Each tip is written conversationally and accompanied by an icon representing the task.​​​​​​​



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