Jacob Stillman's profile

Data Visualization Infographics

Data Visualization / Info-graphic Posters / 2018
Mount Everest / Titanic / Mars / Electricity Usage / Industry Employment
A collection of info-graphic posters I created for my Data Visualization class. I used data sets found both online and in archives (specific locations can be found on the works) that focus on themes of exploration and industrialization in the United States. Each work was illustrated by myself in Illustrator and then pulled into Photoshop for post-production. The infograhics present generally known data about varying topics, but in a much more exciting and engaging format. 
Climbing Mount Everest
Titanic: The Unsinkable Ship
Journey to Mars
Global Electricity Usage for Communication Technology
U.S. Industry Employment
Data Visualization Infographics

Data Visualization Infographics

A collection of illusrated infographic posters with topics ranging from Mount Everest to traveling to Mars to Industry employment in the U.S.
