The Backstory
Green Snow delivers an end-to-end ecommerce management service, specialising
in Sports ecommerce with large global audiences. It builds customer-focused retail experiences that are designed to delight their partners’ customers and appeal directly
to their passions.

The Challenge
Green Snow approached us to re-imagine their visual and verbal identity to help elevate their brand. The new identity needed to appeal and mirror the passion of their customers and clearly communicate a high-end consumer brand.

The Outcome
​​​​​​​The brand identity we created is modern, clean and visually emotive.

We crafted key messages and tone of voice as an expression of Green Snow's passion 
to appeal to their core target markets. 

The new identity positions Green Snow as an appealing alternative to the inflexible
‘big boys’ of the industry and presents a strong, trusted and ‘cool’ brand to the market
in both its visual and verbal identity at every touch point.

Thank you

Green Snow