Alessandro Zir's profile

A/Z slf &/or The Peculiar Language of Screen

The following quotations are useful: 
"Nothing is missing. It's all there. The affectless gaze. The diffracted grace... The bored langour, the wasted pallor... The chic freakiness, the basically passive astonishment, the enthralling secret knowledge... glamour rooted in dispair." 
"I don't really use makeup but I buy it and I think about it a lot. Makeup is so well-advertised you can't ignore it completely." 
"Marilyn's lips weren't kissable, but they were very photographable." 
"You have to hang on in periods when your style isn't popular, because if it's good, it'll come back, and you'll be a recognized beauty again." 
"Photographs bring in another half-dimension. Movies bring in another whole dimension... screen magnetism." 
"In some circles where very heavy people think they have very heavy brains, words like 'charming' and 'clever' and 'pretty' are all put-downs; all the lighter things in life, which are the most important things, are put down." 
"I never fall apart because I never fall together."
"... you should always have a product that's not just 'you.' An actress should count up her plays and movies and a model should count up her photographs and a writer should count up his words and an artist should count up his pictures so you always know exactly what you're worth, ad you don't get stuck thinking your product is you and your fame, and your aura." 
"... there are those other people who look twenty all their lives. It's thrilling to see movie stars (since they are more involved in that than most people) who have worked on their beauty, who still have all their energy because they're still working with their young selves." 
"I play down my good features and play up the bad ones" (The Philosophy of Andy Warhol).
"Neoteny: retention of survivally optimal larval or immature characters as adults, i.e., refusal to stop growing, extension of developmental period." 
"You sure to be deride by the Rambo-Liddy-Ollie North steroid gang... and the conventional-wisdom experts" 
"Dr. Spock personalizes quantum psychology: 'Treat your kids as individuals, as singularities.' Here was the most radical, subversive social doctrine ever proposed, and it was directed to the only groups that can bring about enduring change: parents, pediatricians, teachers" (Timothy Leary, Chaos & Cyberculture). 
"Isn't repeating oneself precisely what painting [I would say, make-up] allows one to do, especially once one has found one's particular language, the stylistic invention that will allow one to move inside it and inhabit it, growing and changing within the new syntax one can call one's own?"(Rosalind Krauss, The Optical Unconscious).
"Diese kleinen Dinge — Ernährung, Ort, Klima, Erholung, die ganze Casuistik der Selbstsucht — sind über alle Begriffe hinaus wichtiger als Alles, was man bisher wichtig nahm" (Nietzsche, Ecce Homo). 
A/Z slf &/or The Peculiar Language of Screen

A/Z slf &/or The Peculiar Language of Screen


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