Paul Wang's profile

Sequential art, inspired by animation and storytelling

i bought one of the first digital watch cameras that operated with computer with infra red. images very low res but are one of the few photos i can find of kyra when she was born in 2000. This is a few days in the life of. There's a lot of story in the frames and their order.
a picture a month of Kyra's first year.
story of Kyra's 1st birthday with our colleagues, starting with me and ending with her mom, Sherry. I like the other story, how each person relates to a young child is related to their own personality.
Kyra's first year. Took these with fixed tripod and cut Kyra's 15 minutes of activeness.
Kyra around 16 months old
A day in Hong Kong or Taiwan? Tells some story of something, not sure what.
After the release of Dreamworks' Antz, I had an idea for a project with with colleagues assembled the approximately 110,000 frames of Dreamworks' first film in luminance, then remapped that into one frame from the film.
I added one picture in of my family. Takes me time to find it every time i look for it.
the frames could end up anywhere by luminance. The titles were white with black type so they appeared at the highlights of the single frame.
Burning man back in late 90s. Ken Bielenberg and I took photos of anyone who wanted to show their buns and then reassembled it a still of the man.
Created a poster for a Pecha Kucha event. Naturally wherever there can be a little humor i like to add. Poster starts at top and goes down in 3 columns to spell out the Berkeley Pecha Kucha acronym.
Sequential art, inspired by animation and storytelling

Sequential art, inspired by animation and storytelling

from 2001 to 2010 I was working at Dreamworks and to work out some artistic angst and sleepless nights with young kids i became interested in seq Read More
