Radial Maze's profile

The great invasion || KidMostro.

Render made for the KidMostro challenge, for the Facebook group: Artistas CG & VFX / Comunidad.
   The challenge was to take a kid's drawing and reenact it in the preferred art form.
   Similar to Monster Project, but in this one, each person selected a different drawing.
   The render is made in Blender and composited in Photoshop.
I chose this one because the moment I saw the drawing I knew almost exactly what I wanted to do, or just to start with. In the process, I changed some things and added some more.
   I maintained the most recognizable part of the drawing, which is the mask (or at least I see a mask) and changed a little bit parts of the rest of the body.
   When I saw the drawing, I saw a cute and innocent mask, but the thing wearing it was a monster that traps their victims with the mask, so I tried to recreate that thought.
This is the first screenshot of the progress. I did the shape of the monster, the mask and the mouth with sharp teeth; I learned to make a hand that look sort of robotic and I learned to rig it so I can position them the way I want.
It came to my mind to make a robot-alien-monster-ship, so I added buildings, so the monster is invading the Earth. The hands are connected by tubes to the body. The left arm is just cables. I used tubes also at the top of the head, so it says that there is a bigger ship controling the monster ships.
More monsters were added to the scene, so its more like an invasion. Using the kelvin scale and the Blackbody node in Blender, I gave a warmer light, instead of the cloudy weather I was going for.
Used a bigger number in the blackbody, to match the sunlight in the kelvin scale. I added 1 alien ship and pasted it several times in Photoshop.
   I used an HDRI to give light to the render and exported it with transparent background so I can add a better sky image in Photoshop and desaturate it.
The great invasion || KidMostro.


The great invasion || KidMostro.

Concept art for a kid's drawing. Used 3D to recreate the character into a giant ship that came to invade Earth.
