Just in Time | Shortfilm

Just in Time | Shortfilm
Life at its optimum – the digital assistant in his smartphone controls the dense daily routine of a young man. His defining life motto is self-optimization through self-tracking. Around the clock, he is logging and measuring personal data. But even a perfect technology has its dangers and the flood of information can be confusing. “Just in Time” shows what can happen if you blindly trust a data-driven system with your life.

Leben im Optimum – der digitale Life-Assistent in seinem Smartphone steuert den dicht getakteten Alltag eines jungen Mannes. Sein bestimmendes Lebensmotto ist Self-Optimization durch Self- Tracking. Rund um die Uhr kontrolliert er sich mithilfe von Apps. Jedoch hat auch ein perfektes System seine Tücken und in der Fülle an Information wird es manchmal unübersichtlich. „Just in Time“ zeigt was passieren kann, wenn man sein Leben einer neuen Technologie blind anvertraut. 
Just in Time | Shortfilm