The table includes all of the details for the lighting units 
Psychotherapy Room 
Beauty salon
FF & E 
This tables shows details for every element of the project 

Evidance Based Design
Red : Energy , Strength, Motivation,confidence will power , intiative , attention to detail It 
helps to treat : Depression, Negativity , Shyness

Yellow : Uplifting , cleansing , self respect ,self-Confidence ,self-control ability to rationalizecontentment , mental stimulation It helps to treat Depression despair fatigue negativity , sensetivity to criticism lake of confidence
Blue : Calmness , peace relaxation slowing down
steadying , self expression intuition ,honesty truth 
creativity It helps to treat insomnia , stress , anxiety
excitement anger

Making a hospital more like home
Maggie spent much of the last two years of her life creating the blueprint for her 
vision of the ideal cancer treatment environment—
a warm, inviting place where people could learn to cope with their diagnosis and meet 
with friends and family members, as well as 
health care professionals

Source : Cancer . net
Eva Rehab Center

Eva Rehab Center


Creative Fields