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Shadow Fox Photography Gallery Opening

Shadow Fox Photography 
Gallery Opening Marketing Campaign
In March 2018 I had the opportunity to market a gallery opening for Shadow Fox Photography at Raygun in Cedar Rapids! We had so much fun with this one and saw great results. With a budget of $160 for 30 days we generated 25,462 impressions across Instagram and Facebook along with 110 event RSVPs. Our campaign also got the attention of Iowa Public Radio and resulted in a live radio interview before the gallery opening.
Above are screenshots from the Instagram campaign. These 5 images were part of one carousel ad.
Screenshots of the 3 Facebook ads. Over the 30 day campaign we tested a few audiences that included people from the Iowa City and Cedar Rapids area who have interests aligned with art, music, culture, nightlife, etc. Our main objective was RSVPs to the Facebook event. The third screenshot is a boosted post from the day of the event targeting an audience of people who like the page and their friends. I also brushed up on my typewriter skills for the artist statement; it's a lost art!
In addition to social media marketing, we also placed posters and flyers at strategic locations around Cedar Rapids. I knew there would be no way to gauge impressions or CPA but loved making connections with real people. This may have only gotten 1-2 people to come out to the event but it was invaluable for brand awareness.
Poster and business cards because print isn't dead.
Shadow Fox Photography Gallery Opening

Shadow Fox Photography Gallery Opening
