Daniel Barclay's profile

Bloodlust - Domains of the Chosen Covers

Bloodlust - Domains of the Chosen

A series of published book covers I've designed and illustrated over the last 6 years.

The author has always had a good feel for how he wants to brand the series and generally comes to me with a strong starting concept for each cover. Originally, the illustrations were meant to be more symbolic than literal, but it's evolved somewhat from that initial concept.

I generally like to develop a consistent formula when designing book covers that I hope helps to distinguish them from other series. For this particular series, I tried to make sure that every cover had an iconic central image with an atmospheric textural background element and I modified the title fonts to make them a little more visually unique and hopefully more evocative of classical elements in the story.

The other challenge in creating these covers was that they were to be used as thumbnail covers for the epub versions of the books. To that end, I tried to ensure that the covers could be eye catching and readable at smaller sizes as well as having enough emergent detail to be pleasing at larger sizes.

I hope you enjoy.

- Daniel
Bloodlust - Domains of the Chosen Covers

Bloodlust - Domains of the Chosen Covers

Book Cover Design and Illustrations for High Fantasy Novel Series, Bloodlust - Domains of the Chosen, written by C.P.D. Harris. Series available Read More
