DIY & Hair Dye is a free, multi-platform community for hair and style lovers the world over. We offer a website forum with supplementary content in the form of articles, with videos soon to follow. We also offer a newsletter and pages on multiple social media platforms to interested non-members to follow along! Our goal is to give every member a voice and a forum on which to teach, learn, and inspire.
Working in all "departments" of DIY & Hair Dye, I'm currently designing and developing the website and forum based on the logo design and branding I created. Below, find the "brand book" with information and style guidelines for DIY & Hair Dye. I am also writing content, in addition to creating ad spaces, advertising packages, and outreach. I can use encouragement, haha. For me, it's important to complete all aspects of a project to the best of my ability before launch, as opposed to "getting something online quickly just to have it up," only to work on the organizing and branding later. (And you know, more often than not, "later" isn't going to come if you're already "live" and have other things on which to focus.)

I find I'm a bit afraid of the success I might find if this takes off, and I'm hoping that by sharing the idea pre-launch, I can work to overcome my fears and make this thing happen!
10 Years In The Making

"DIY & Hair Dye" may sound familiar to you – if you were on Myspace in the early millennium. Launched on Myspace in 2006, the group was initially created due to my love of organizing and desire to share information for ease of use. This group soon transformed into a forum and blog with how-to videos, product reviews, and more. In just two years, DIY & Hair Dye amassed over 14,000 members.

Then, overnight – Myspace groups were eradicated, leaving both the group and its members without a home. "Social media" websites didn't exist yet (hard to believe, I know) - Facebook pages weren't a thing, and Tumblr just launched. It wasn't a forum website, but I tried to maintain the name with the new platform. The DIY & Hair Dye Tumblr continued to grow, amassing 10,000 followers. Busy with college, I still received messages across her own social media accounts from former Myspacers asking if I was "that same Geena who once ran DIY & Hair Dye," each message laced with nostalgia and a clear need for a platform all about hair, style, and DIY.

Learning more about online forums and earning certificates in analytics and marketing, I resolved to revive the DIY & Hair Dye forum to surpass its former glory - DIY & Hair Dye would have a home and a platform all its own! Over a decade in the making, the official DIY & Hair Dye is underway, with a forum-focus and featured articles, plus new social media accounts for even more inspiration.​​​​​​​

The website has a simple, geometric and blocky style which is both easy to use and aesthetically appealing to the target audience. The brand logo is situated at top.

Members create their own profiles, helping to market personal brands whether a consumer, prosumer, fashionista, stylist, or any other title under the sun. Members can "make friends," and search the member directory for new voices.

Target Audience

Our target audience consists of females 18-44 interested in style, fashion and beauty, who are comfortable with and consistently active on social media. They avidly use Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest in order to share their interests with friends and/or their own audience.

Coming Soon

I hope you like my ideas and my work - let me know! :)

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DIY & Hair Dye

DIY & Hair Dye

DIY & Hair Dye is a free, multi-platform community for hair and style lovers the world over. We offer a website forum with supplementary content Read More
