“All Your Base Are Belong To Us” 
Zero Wing (1989)

A tribute to one of the first wildly popular internet catchphrases from 1999 - a time before they were called "memes" - "All Your Base Are Belong To Us" or "AYB" for short. It became part of the foundation of what formed the internet into what it is today. The poorly-translated broken English (”Engrish”) text with a techno beat and gamer culture was the perfect humor recipe. Photoshop at the time was reserved for the few talented gurus so when the flood of images featuring the phrase were shared across virtual space, it was a cool thing unfolding in front of your teenage eyes [depending on your dial-up speed].

2008 political poster
(“Hope” by Shepard Fairey)

The popular 2008 "Hope" political poster has been parodied and recreated thousands of times over. Instead of doing the exact same thing and beating it to death like a red-headed stepchild, I wanted to put a little twist to it by using a method mocking the genre of repeating the same unoriginal visual repetition. Everyone who imitates the original does so in a manner that mimics without adding their own elements and feels devoid of uniqueness. Curves and free-flowing shapes come to the strict, retro arcade pixel grid complete with an appropriate color palette. Colors that are NOT blues, red, and tan. The outcome resembles the reference yet is able to stand on its own.

Order a gallery-quality print on thick 17.7" / 12.6" (M) or 26.6" / 18.9" (L) metal plate poster.



"All Your Base Are Belong To Us" digital/pixel illustration in a popular political poster design style.
