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Squarespace "Make it Happen" Social Activations

S q u a r e s p a c e     2 0 1 8     M a k e   i t  H a p p e n     C a m p a i g n  
—    S o c i a l    M e d i a    A c t i v a t i o n s
At Squarespace the mission and essence of the brand is best reflected through the 
stories of its actual customers. As it turns out, Keanu Reeves built his custom motorcycle company’s website, Arch Motorcycles, on Squarespace. And so a collaboration was born; one that tells a simple client’s story in grand scale. The campaign launched in the 2018 Super Bowl, and its central thread was that if Keanu can make a website all by himself, so can you. With the team at Squarespace I formed this series of “Keanuisms”; a social activation playing into Keanu’s internet fame, spreading messages of positivity and affirmation all throughout media. 
Squarespace "Make it Happen" Campaign — Social Media Activations

Creative Direction: Donovan Mafnas, Josh Webman
Art Direction, Design, Animation:
Shira Inbar, Drake Miller
Squarespace "Make it Happen" Social Activations

Squarespace "Make it Happen" Social Activations
