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Martin Venezky Booklet

A Designer of Nostalgia

For this project, I did some research on the graphic designer Martin Venezky and created a booklet about him and his artwork. In this booklet, I focused mainly on how Venezky's work adds a uniquely human element to design in the form of nostalgia. For the design, I focused on how an underlying grid can add structure to the content presented in a booklet.

Initial Thumbnails & Writing

I started out by drawing some general thumbnails for the content I  wanted to include in each spread, and doing the writing portion of the book.
Process & Revisions
The evolution of a few spreads

My final design utilizes a three column grid to retain an organized structure. For the style of my design, I decided to keep a vertical motif that is present in a wall of photographs. I also decided to focus on layering some type and image in the same way that Venezky does a lot of layering in his collage work.
Martin Venezky Booklet

Martin Venezky Booklet
