Conjuro is an interactive art piece built for the Buddy Holly Museum Dia De Los Muertos annual exhibit. It modern take on the "talking drums" people used to communicate with the dead, turned into a drum machine.

The heavy lifting is done mostly in Javascript, with each circle/ring <div> triggering a sound file to play, as well as a short animation for user feedback. The machine can also be controlled using the top row letter keys (Q thru ]) for more "professional" playback.
I designed the Starcade mini arcade to be semi-modular, with the top panel being interchangeable for different controller layouts (for exhibition, I forced users to interact via the touchscreen). The screen is also interchangeable, but this is mostly for myself as I used my personal tablet to run the drum machine. I cut the cabinet using 1/2" and 1/4" MDF on a CNC mill. The vinyl artwork is reminiscent of the NeoGeo MVS arcade cabinets.

Starcade is also a nod to Sega's brand of "Astro City," arcade cabinets.


