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March to the Polls Logo

March to the Polls Logo
When: December 2017
For: Women's March Chicago 
Problem: Create an identity for the March to the Polls year-long movement. It needed to apply to the launch event in January and events all year long.
Solution: Using the Women's March Chicago signature typeface, created a word mark using the national March On logo as inspiration. Also pulled from the 2017 march logo and the Chicago flag. Provided place for an organization or event name to be locked in with the logo. I packaged the logo versions with the brand colors in a Creative Cloud library for easy dispersal to the remote design team.
Process: Each of the 4 designers on the WMC team contributed several logo concepts. We narrowed down the selections and the WMC board chose their favorite. I made the final adjustments to their choice and created the horizontal version. I also designed a statewide adaptation for wider use.
Deliverables: March to the Polls logo, core version with horizontal and vertical variations, single statewide version, all in both 4-color and B&W
March to the Polls Logo

March to the Polls Logo
