Poster for the exhibition.
The depiction of Paranoia and visual hallucination, the feeling that everyone around is just looking at you. This piece is a still image. Or is it not? Maybe it's all in your head.
Based on Apophenia which happens in acute stages of schizophrenia and is described as the unmotivated seeing of meaningful patterns within random data.
The depiction of "fear" and visual hallucination. Wait for something unusual to happen.
This piece is based on delusions and alternative perceptions about other people.
The depiction of visual hallucination. A doubt that something was sitting there.
Visual hallucination. Did you see something unusual? Watch again!
360 Video experience. Headphones highly recommended. Can be viewed best using a VR headset.


The project is based on my personal interpretation of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder in which a person slowly loses touch with Read More
