This magazine assignment for my introduction to InDesign class was inspired by my passion for henna art. Most of the images retrieved were free stock images (some images were edited to adjust colour, lighting etc.) and the background art was drawn by myself in Illustrator) with the exception of the back cover advertisement, which was taken from a friend of mine who is a very talented henna artist herself. Written content was all self-generated (which I regretted later, because it ended up being a lot of work, that i didn't end up getting graded for).
The text used was a free text xxarabian_onenightstandxx, which served it's purpose for the headers
I chose to do the assignment in landscape because I wanted the publication to stand out amongst the rest. It symbollized a game-changing look on the henna and body art industry. 
 I know a lot more about typography and design now so, naturally, there is a lot I would change. I would have used more elements of colour and flow, and I would have definitely used a different image for the cover.  I probably would have kept up with the standard portrait orientation and focused more on the design. There were a lot of issues with the original format, but now that I know more about preflight, I was able to change that. 
Magazine Assignment

Magazine Assignment

Another Project from My InDesign class. Images taken from the business page of a classmate. All written content self generated
