Hi! It is my project at school. During my creation,
l'd like to break the routine of normal animation works in a more creative way.
Cows produce milk for the same reason that humans do, to nourish their calves. However, calves are taken away
from their moms in order to save the milk for human’s demand. Hence, a cruel cycle starts.
Female cows are artificially inseminated after being born and forced to keep giving birth in the next 10 months. The female calves will be taken away from their mom and must suffer an exact period as their mom did. Generally, female cows are being “raped” -> giving birth -> losing their babies -> being raped again -> giving birth ->….
In fact, this cruel process only ends when these cows are facing with maltreatment, exhaustion, pain, disease and loss of ability to give birth. In the end, these cows are considered as “nullity” and sent to an abattoir.

“How about the calves?”

 Studies have shown that more than 50% of calves are males and they are sent to the slaughterhouse
for food consumption or shipped to industrial farms for fattening.
In contrast, female calves are addressed to diary farms and treated as milk-producing machine.

Are “happy cows” truly happy?
Having been inspiring by the story of having “pure” milk through the cows’ cruel life cycle,
this project is carried out to bring back the milk to the calves, instead of supporting human consumption.
The application on Flappy games with side-scroller style is an endless journey unless we definitely change our mind.
l believe it sure can do more than an ordinary kind of media that conveys information.
Is drinking cows’ milk benefit for humans as it is advertising?


Thank you

Daily Milk

Daily Milk

Having been inspiring by the story of having “pure” milk through the cows’ cruel life cycle, this project is carried out to bring back the milk t Read More
