Experimental Boiled Film
I have been investigating into what results can be achieved by boiling a roll of film in a pot of water. 

This first set of photos were created by boiling in water for 10 minutes, unravelling and drying the roll in a dark room, before loading it into a camera and shooting it. I have found this method produces the most intriguing photographs due to the bright colours and patterns created.
This set of photographs were created by boiling a roll of film for 7 minutes in a pot of water with salt in it, after the photos have been shot but before it is developed. The salt covers the film, which produces the small grainy dots on the photographs. 
Double Exposure
These photographs are the results from a black and white roll of film that I shot, and then rolled back up and shot again over the top of them, producing double exposed prints. 
These photograms were created using cyanotype paper and an old glass film slide I picked up at a flea market in Hannover, Germany.
Multi Exposure
I created this photograph by shooting the same roll of film 10 times in the same position with a tripod over a 20 minute period. This results in a layered effect, telling the story of what happened over that 20 minutes on the busy Union Street in Aberdeen.
Film Photography

Film Photography
