Luz Riquelme's profile

Project “Mark for peace”

Project “Mark for peace”
Project overview

Make your mark for Peace was a project that I volunteer, to do something about peace,  to make my own mark in the world’s peace.

The concept behind its all about green thinking and people together gathering for a good cause. To represent peace, I use the sign peace reinforced with tints of green and blue.
I used a photograph of a previous event as background in most of pieces as it was necessary to illustrate people of how they will actively participate.

Because we can.
Because we have a say in the matter.

It’s 2016 on planet earth, our precious home, yet Peace in ourselves, in our families, our neighborhoods, in our cities, our states, our nation is not a given.
However if we make the time and effort for introspection and ask ourselves what we aim to build and experience in our lives, love and peace almost universally top the list.
Who will stand with us in a circle that makes the first giant human peace sign in Australia?
Let’s stand up for peace and make our mark in our souls, in our communities and in the world.

Help us to make the first Giant Human Peace Sign, more details

Project “Mark for peace”

Project “Mark for peace”
