This book is about Neil Hilborn's touching story. Written in 2011 in the form of a poem titled ‘OCD’, he described in sharp detail what it’s like to share a love with someone who has a severe case of OCD, himself, and the obstacles both individuals have to bear as a couple. I chose this poem because it immediately struck me once I came across it, and I decided to illustrate it using text and images. I want to visualise it in the best way I can. Undoubtably, this book is subject to my own interpretation and knowledge. If you struggle with OCD this book might help you identify with the poet. If so, look up Neil Heilborn’s TED Talk to hear more of his story and how he has learned to maintain it. If you do not struggle with OCD, this book might give you a visual idea of what it means to live with the disorder, or maybe you’ve also experienced love and heartbreak. However, if this book doesn’t tickle your fancy, it’s still an undeniably authentic and captivating poem. This book was created as a project and was never published.

Mediums used: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop, Nikon D7000, india ink, watercolours, polaroid image

OCD Book

OCD Book

This book is about Neil Hilborn's touching story. Written in 2011 in the form of a poem titled ‘OCD’, he described in sharp detail what it’s like Read More
