Rafael Gil's profile

The Book of Rock

Kiss FM believes that rock is much more than a genre of music. It’s an entire culture, and it deserves to have its history preserved. 
And what better way to preserve history than in a book? But not just any old book. 


The Book of Rock. A book with biographies and illustrations of each band, accompanied by a record player and 10 records featuring rock classics. But that’s not all. When the record is played, you can listen to a classic normally. When the OTHERSIDE setting is activated, the record will spin backwards and tell the story behind each song. 

* Craft
* Some Stories
* Deep Purple - Smoke on the Water
* Nirvana - In Bloom

* AC/DC - Highway to Hell

* Today it’s on display at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Museum - Cleveland
* Credits

The Book of Rock
Client: Kiss Fm
Agency: Almapbbdo
CCO: Luiz Sanches
ECD: Bruno Prosperi
CD: Rynaldo Gondim
Art Director: Rafael Gil, Bernardo Silveira
Copywriter: Bruno Pereira, Sleyman Khodor, Marcelo Pignatari
Illustrator: Sattu Rodrigues, Rafael Gil, Bernardo Silveira
Typography: Rodrigo Resende

The Book of Rock

The Book of Rock

A book to promote the Kiss Fm radio station.
