Hideki Motosue's profile

Wedding Invitations


書体は、「Gill Sans」を制作したことで有名な書体デザイナーエリック・ギルが、娘の結婚式のために作られたと言われている「Joanna」をメインフォントとして使っています。

This is a profile book for the bride and groom that I designed to be distributed on the occasion of their wedding ceremony. It contains the story of the couple, the way they met, and a list of the songs played at the ceremony, amongst other things. I designed it with the assumption that guests would have some time to read it while waiting. 
As the ceremony was held while the cherry blossoms were in bloom, the color theme used is cherry blossom pink.

The main typeface used is "Joanna". Type designer Eric Gill, who is famous for his creation of the "Gill Sans" typeface, is said to have designed "Joanna" for his own daughter's wedding.

和文書体:ナウ MM
欧文書体:Joanna Regular, Gill Sans Regular
Wedding Invitations

Wedding Invitations

