App Definition Statement

This app is an easy way to keep track of your inventory in your fridge and know exactly what you have. If you don't know what to cook with the ingredients you already own, click on recipes and it will show you a random selection of recipes with stuff you already have!
Concept Overview

• Experience
The product chosen is refrigerators. This is a product found in every home whether it’s a small or large version. It is daily used appliance and in an area of the house that it visited several times throughout the course of any humans day.

Problem Statement
Fridge users need a personal assistant in the kitchen because they are busy, hard-working adults that don’t have time for small tasks.

Kathy Robinson
Wants to free up some time, easier way to make a grocery list and be able to prepare a five-course meal. Her frustrations are forgetting to put things on her grocery list, she's always at work and she wants a simpler way to get simple recipes. 

• Steven Foster
Needs a way to find find recipes with ingredients accessible, an easier way to keep track of his inventory and he needs to increase his cooking skills. His frustrations are never knowing what to cook for dinner, he has a busy work schedule and has no experience with cooking.
Visual Design

The direction of this app appeals to the personas because it keeps track of the inventory of items you have in your fridge, gives you recipes for items you already have, saves time from looking up recipes and it also gives you really simple directions to cook for people who are novice at the subject.
Fridge Assistant

Fridge Assistant
