Paper Monkey Visual Strategy's profile

It doesn't have to end here.

Family and Domestic Violence: It doesn't have to end here.
The campaign strategy was to avoid the two common, and non-effective approaches that domestic violence campaigns take:
1) the government 'box ticking' approach of stating that "domestic violence isn't OK", or "Domestic violence stops with me", and
2) overplaying the fake blood and bruise makeup, which in today's desensitised society is barely noticed.

Our approach was that of implied violence, painting part of the picture, and letting the viewer's mind fill in the blanks, based on their own perceptions of the image, and in the case of the videos, the voice-overs.

In the videos, the voice-overs were delivered in a slightly ambiguous way at times, so that the point of the video was not entirely evident until the image is revealed, cementing the fact that the term 'family and domestic violence' covers more than just physical violence and can happen to anyone, which is not widely understood in the community.

Concept, copy writing and art direction: Paper Monkey
Photography: Lightbulb Studio
Motion graphics: EoR Media
Client: Domestic Violence Prevention Council, Canberra, Australia

It doesn't have to end here.

It doesn't have to end here.

Family and domestic violence. It doesn't have to end here.
