More information here:
Livre Noir & Livre Rouge

Hagen von Tulien

A 'Voudon Gnostic Graphic Grimoire',
referring to pure and genuine Saturnian and Stellar wisdom or gnosis.

Livre Noir: Herein you could find the mysteries of the Saturn-Gnosis of the Ghuédhé Cultus:
its mystical initiations, and its many forms of magic, sorcery and elemental power.

Livre Rouge: Herein you could find the mysteries of the Stellar-Gnosis of the Me'on Cultus:
the stellar stirrings of the unmanifest in an alien realm outside conceptions of human consciousness, an expansion of consciousness into infinite space for transmissions from the transyuggothian Outside, from the vast reaches of cosmic beyond.

Executed in a variety of techniques, like different styles of pen and ink drawings, papercuts, and digital formats.
The content of Liber B-T is expressed in highly spiritual and magical symbolic form, to enable the deeper realms of the unconscious and all its powers to be fully realised.

I am very glad and feel very honoured for the support from Michael Bertiaux, who wrote two texts and painted a 'Saturnian Passeporte' especially for this book!!!


Ben Fernee of Caduceus Books offered me around 2010 the realisation of my artwork as a project for his 'Society of Esoteric Endeavour' (which is well known for high quality productions and very limited editions).
For about six years I've worked on this book. It is finished and it will be published soon.

We are very happy with our plans for the physical form of the book:

* The cover being a cut out design realised by interlocking different colours of leather, half of the edition will be black leather with red inlays, and the other half red leather with black inlays.

* 25 full-page Papercut Illustrations inside the book will be realised by blocking (with metal plates) on silk panels, so one is even able to feel the designs! This technique is mostly used only for the cover-design of a book, but not inside.
These 25 metal plates will be incorporated in the 25 copies of the deluxe edition, therefore making each deluxe copy highly unique and exceptional!

*and much more ...

If you are seriously interested in purchasing this book and don't want to miss the pre-order period (estimated for April/May 2020), you could send an email to Ben Fernee and ask for inclusion in his email-list:
* Please come back to this page from time to time for further news and information *

-  S O L D   O U T  -
Red & Black

Opening the Book ...

Sample page spread from Liber B-T

Sample page spread from Liber B-T

One of the dies for blocking the full-page Papercut Illustrations inside the book

Papercut illustration blocked with silver foil on a black silk panel

Papercut illustration blocked with silver foil on a red silk panel

I designed by hand special pages which will be bound into the  book.
I used a magical board design by Michael Bertiaux and a dice to contact Saturnian Spirits, each Spirit has a name consisting of three letters. Out of this name I created a Magical Kamea and a Sigil for each Spirit.
+++ So each copy of my book will have a unique Saturnian Spirit attached to the book! +++
Also each page is stamped and signed.

Liber B-T

Liber B-T

Le Baggath-Tjnemour (Liber B-T)


Creative Fields