: A Digitized Kitchenware for the future

work: 2010
MEIBAN : Kitchen Gadgets of The Future Gold Prize 2010
There haven’t been much changes in kitchenware for a long time. But with digital technology, it makes cooking more convenient. Usually ordinary people refer to recipe books when they cook.
At this time, we get stress from various cooking guide books were written different weights and measures.
This is concept could solve this problem by digital technology.
We have several measurement products (like measuring spoon, cup and scales in the kitchen), but those are stuffs takes up much space and got lost always whenever we look for.
Besides, several units of quantity are even make us to be confused to calculate.
We have wished a new product that could solve these problems.
Weight (g,kg and lb) and volume (l,ml,cc and oz) can be converted each others and show on the display with unit of spoons or cups.
This kitchenware based on touch interface can be operated easily.
This kitchenware enables you to calculate all the unit.
1.It display the weights of the ingredients (weight exclude cups or spoons) on the LCD.
2.It can be converted to the unit user wants to see.
3.By attaching the thermometer, you can measure the temperature of the cooking oil.
(Various equipment can be attached.)
4.It can be used as kitchen timer.
5.It is made of stainless steel and plastic. (waterproof)


Smart Guide will solve all your stress from cooking when you have to measure each different ingredients following recipe.
