Nestlé Baby | Supersize Teddy

Character Design, Illustrations & Icons
for Nestlé's Supersize Teddy

In order to inform parents about the importance of protein and a balanced diet, we created a supersize teddy,
which would appear at a playground in Athens. It was also a Wifi spot that would allow parents
to navigate to a microsite, get informed and ask questions to a professional dietician.

We turned our shapes into more rounded ones so that the teddy would seem more friendly and cute.

Agency/ OgilvyOne Athens
Creative Director/ Dimitris Savvakos
Art Director/ Yiannis Pallis
Senior Web Designer/ Babis Karapanagiotis
Illustrator/ Yvoni Mouchtaropoulou
Motion Designer/ Senikidis Romanos
Copywriters/ Elli Veinoglou, Elektra Pavlaki
Account Manager/ Vassilis Gouveros

This project has been animated after it's official launch.

Special thanks to Babis Karapanagiotis & Niki Dima
for their valuable help.

Nestlé Baby | Supersize Teddy

Nestlé Baby | Supersize Teddy

Character Design, Animated Illustrations & Icons of Nestlé's Supersize Teddy
