For this project I worked with the Method design firm on a concept wrist-device that connects to an app that parents control to ensure their children are safe without the need to be physically present. The children wear a wrist-device that connects and interacts with the app.

User interaction was a very important topic of this project, working with how the brand spans across from the app to the physical device itself.

Logo Concepts
Final logo represents a few ideas: The rounded lines and corners visualize comfort and friendliness. Two O’s morphing together, represents the connection and separation between parent and child and the form of the device with strap. Disconnected P shows that independence is important and that different people can take different paths.
Icons that resemble ideas and concepts that translate from device to screen. Stylized to retain the characteristics from the logo design.
Phone app: The dashboard shows incoming messages that parents have received and where they can send messages out. The profile page shows the children and their messages that can be customized from what the question is, to the responses.
How the child interacts with the device is important to because it needs to be simple enough for them to communicate with the parent and app. If a message is received, the device will vibrate and flash an icon associated with the message. To reply, the child presses a button that correlates to a response (e.g. top button is yes, bottom button is no). If in an emergency, the child presses and holds both the top and bottom buttons for two seconds to alert parent.
Being offered a design for the wrist-device, I decided to create my own due to a few reasons: The previous design had the band part of the device rather than separate parts. This would be problematic due to the wide variance of ages and sizes of children wearing the device. Another reason for the detached wrist band is because of customablity — children would be able to choose their own wrist band material, color, texture, etc.
Package and its relation to the device it contains. The package shows a top and side wire frame of the device with the colors of the package correlating to the device.
Animation of logo for possible use for visualize loading process in app or online.