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App Vote is Mobile Application for Voting

App Vote is Mobile Applications for Voting
An application lets people from anywhere keep track of important events and to vote for certain decisions of the Government.
Design Features
We tried to involve the user in the voting process and make it bright and emotional using animation. You can choose a question from a list and to vote and see the results after the voting. Also after the vote application offers you to leave a comment.
The app is useful for any questions with different variants of answers. Floating button "Vote to see the results" transformed nicely to a list of answers. Then, the app tells you thanks and offers the next step to leave a comment. Using the principles of human-centered design a mobile app involves a user to process of voting. Such a pleasure to use an app and I want to vote again and again.
Adobe Photoshop CC. Adobe After Effects CC.
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App Vote is Mobile Application for Voting

Project Made For

App Vote is Mobile Application for Voting

An application lets people from anywhere keep track of important events and to vote for certain decisions of the Government.
