Design Team's profilePhilip Harper's profile

Smarter Working Initiative 2016 — Website

The Smarter Working Initiative is the champion of the new-business age. Pioneers and visionaries of contemporary working business practise, on a mission to shake-up the old business ideas of the 9-to-5 and spread the idea of working smarter, working remotely and working flexibly.

The design problem posed to me, was to create the visual essence of the brand with a list of deliverables including; brand identity, responsive website, responsive HTML email. The colour palette and imagery were also to extend across social networks.

The lightweight five page site is fully responsive, across four common breakpoints and feature lifestyle photography—the audience is business owners / managers, so it had to feel corporate-meets-family and idealise a successful work-life-balance.
As this was a low-budget, high-reach campaign, I photographed the hero image to appear like a speaker delivering a talk at a conference. Using gels over the spotlights to give the illusion of a stage, and asked the model to give a heart-felt speech. This gave a certain authenticity, gravitas and added extra value to the campaign to build trust.

The Smarter Working Initiative day was a huge success, with a total reach over 100,000 employees and with 152 companies signing up. See below for a video testimonial of Alice Weightman of Hanson Search / The Work Crowd I filmed and edited extolling the praises of the concept.

User Experience
Responsive Web Design
Logo Design
HTML Email Design
Video production
HTML email — 320px wide, but outside containers are full-width, depending on the email client.
HTML email — 600px wide, but outside containers are full-width.
Smarter Working Initiative 2016 — Website

Smarter Working Initiative 2016 — Website

A responsive website spanning across four breakpoints, aiming to promote the Smarter Working Initiative towards small to medium sizes businesses.
