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Ancient Tourists | A location based game

Visual design & product design of Ancient Tourists, a location based game in historic center of the city of Athens. This Treasure Hunt features symbolic orienteering, cryptographic clues and a remarkable exploration of iconic Athenian landmarks.
The concept and game play were designed by X-treasureHunts on behalf of Bearing True South adventure tourism agency.
Apart from the visual design itself, emphasis was given on the usability of the game.
The following were taken under consideration when designing the final product: 

- the player can easily write while on the go
- the player can write against outdoors surfaces
- small and easy to carry around

Therefore the clues were separated from the map and were designed as individual cards which can easily be shuffled.
A separate notes sheet was also included.
The final product includes:

1 map & instructions sheet
1 notes & hints sheet
12 cards with clues

All handed out in a user-friendly package that players take with them while playing. The 'package' design includes a pencil which is placed along with the clues cards in a special pocket formed by the folding of the map.
Each location is characterized by a unique symbol, inspired by the location's role.
The two faded symbols -the compass and the blank space- are filled by the player according to the clue they find on each location.
Design process
Ancient Tourists | A location based game

Ancient Tourists | A location based game

Visual design & product design of Ancient Tourists, a location based game in historic center of the city of Athens.
