Samuel Lardner / Editor's profile

Bermuda Adventureland Online Advert

This is the first professional edit that I did for a client, Bermuda Adventureland to be precise. They wanted an online advert to promote their halloween event and this did the job perfectly. We had great feedback from the client and it was really quite creepy. It surpassed over 500 views after the first day on the client's Facebook page.
The advert shows two of the Team Leaders wondering through the large, open play area as the lights have mysteriously gone out. It appears they are being pursued by someone or something. It was a lot of fun to edit and a great experience working for such an amazing client.
Hopefully this will be the first of many more edits to come.
Bermuda Adventureland Online Advert

Bermuda Adventureland Online Advert

Online advert for Bermuda Adventureland Soft Play World
