The Room of desires
This is the concept of the room where you can be alone with your desires, thoughts and plans. The room has a catalog of the desires, as an inspiration for people who do not know exactly what they want right now. In this room you can spend a few hours, thinking over your desires, inspired by the catalog and write, sketch your real desire on the walls of the room, in the most suitable location for the intended desire. This may be a hiding place - under the table, behind a racks, or on the contrary, the most prominent place.
After desire has been written, the half of the job is done to perform the desire. It was defined, recorded and pronounced.But do not forget that only a genuine desires come true. And also it should be kept in mind that it takes time for wish-fulfillment.
Room of desire

Room of desire

Концепт комнаты, где можно побыть наедине со своими желаниями, мыслями и планами. В комнате есть каталог желаний, как вдохновение для людей, кото Read More
